The next great thing about 420chan is that it is probably the only option in the list of sites like 4chan which can be used as a Firefox extension too. This brings various tools like image expansion, YouTube embedding, quick reply options, thread hiding and many other features which are not offered by other sites.
Not to confuse it with some subsidiary of 4chan or 8chan because 7chan is an individual chan site just like the rest of the sites like 4chan. 7Chan is a popular name in the category of image board websites and they have offered various categories here for people having various interests.
7chan chrome extension
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On 7chan there are tools and features provided through which you can make your experience a little easier. For example, there are tools like Sage and age, quoting another post, editing and deleting your post, font editing, posting whole directory of images and many more. 2ff7e9595c