Inner City Youth Opportunities' mission is to educate and mentor low income Cincinnati inner city youth in grades K - 12 year - round by providing a safe environment and programs to prepare them for a successful future.
homeworks inner city developments inc
Inner City Youth Opportunities, founded in 1993, is committed to making a difference in the lives of Cincinnati's low income inner city children through its After school Homework Assistance and Tutoring Program, Summer Tennis Camp and Youth Development Programs (educational field trips, other sponsored camps and Holiday events, "Raising Young Gardeners to the Teaching Kitchen")ICYO focuses on narrowing the education gap and providing critical developmental skills. Participants in ICYO programs usually perform below grade level benchmarks, have limited resources for support and technology at home, and without additional intervention will continue to fall behind their peers in academics - causing additional emotional, behavioral and even long-term struggles.
Inner-city schools serve diverse student populations, often with immigrant parents living in impoverished neighborhoods. Teachers in these school are confronted with a lot of challenges and frequently suffer from stress as a result. They need to balance the desire to meet the individual needs of their students with being able to find time to care for themselves and manage the stress they will encounter daily as an inner city teacher.
Students in inner city schools come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and they have different languages, religions and customs. Teachers need to familiarize themselves with the specific needs of their students. For example, they need to know if some students have dietary restrictions because of their culture, or whether field trips to certain locations are forbidden by their religious beliefs. Immigrant parents may be less involved with their children's schools if communication barriers exist, and this can be a source of frustration for the teachers.
An inner city teacher can lessen these obstacles by asking students about their needs directly and by taking time to learn about the populations they teach. It can also be helpful for the teacher to examine her own experience with the urban school stigma, the idea that, according to The Atlantic, inner-city schools are stereotyped as academically barren environments based on data collected from standardized tests.
Students in inner city schools face poverty and violence, often daily. Many of their families are dysfunctional. This results in students who need a great deal of emotional support from their teachers. Because they live with social problems such as criminal behavior and substance abuse, learning may become a lower priority for them. Inner city students are less likely to complete their homework or come to class prepared with necessary books or supplies.
There is also a higher student turnover rate in inner city schools because the population tends to be transient. Teachers need to anticipate the students' lack of preparedness and be ready to work around it by bringing additional texts and materials to class for the students to use.
Teachers in inner city schools face the tension caused by administrators and school districts who insist they follow a set curriculum, and the need to move away from the curriculum and create a program tailored to the needs of their students. By age 3, inner city children have already fallen behind their more advantaged peers -- they have only one half the vocabulary of suburban children of that age. Teachers, therefore, need to be able to modify the curriculum to make it reasonable for the students to achieve learning goals.
According to Pacific Standard magazine, schools with predominantly non-white students receive $23 billion dollars less in funding than schools with predominantly white students. This means the average inner city teacher has a much smaller budget for his classroom than his counterparts in other types of district. According to Top Education Degrees, teachers in inner-city schools make similar salaries to teachers in suburban and rural districts despite their additional expenses and challenges.
Teachers in inner city schools face added frustration from the shortage of funds available to their schools due to lower tax revenues in the district. As a result, textbooks may be out-dated and worn and equipment needed for sports or science programs is in short supply. Such limited resources means teachers need to be especially creative to present engaging lessons to students. Some teachers purchase essential supplies with their own money in order to help their students.
Urban decline -The deterioration of the inner city often caused by lack of investment and maintenance. It is often but not exclusively accompanied by a decline in population numbers, decreasing economic performance and unemployment. 2ff7e9595c