jSerialComm is a Java library designed to provide a platform-independent way to access standard serial ports without requiring external libraries, native code, or any other tools. It is meant as an alternative to RxTx and the (deprecated) Java Communications API, with increased ease-of-use, an enhanced support for timeouts, and the ability to open multiple ports simultaneously.
To access the contents of the library in your project, make sure to import com.fazecast.jSerialComm.* into your java files. You can then generate a list of all available serial ports on your system (real or virtual), by calling the following static method:
Download Webstorm Serial
Replace the username parameter with your current username. (If you are not sure what your username is, type whoami and it will tell you.) If you are using SUSE 11.3 or higher, replace the '-a -G' flags with a single '-A' flag. Log out and you should have access to the serial port after logging back in.
Although this library was designed to be as simple and flexible as possible, you can enable a number of different modes of operation via manipulation of the serial port timeout values and the interface through which you choose to access the serial port.
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> Java -> Serialization issues -> Serializable class without 'serialVersionUID' - set flag and click 'OK'.(For Macs, Settings is under IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences...)
IntelliJ will underline the space after the =. put your cursor on it and hit alt+Enter (Option+Enter on Mac). You'll get a popover that says "Randomly Change serialVersionUID Initializer". Just hit enter, and it'll populate that space with a random long.
very nice, very easy to install. you can install that from plugins menu, select install from disk, select the jar file you unpacked in the lib folder. restart, control + ins, and it pops up to generate serial UID from menu. love it. :-)
In this tutorial, IntelliJ IDEA is used for the development. The articles, instructions and pictures are created accordingly.IntelliJ IDEA is from available Jetbrains in different versions. The community version has enough functionality for developmentwith the CrowPi and is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux, but NOT for Raspberry Pi. Thedownload can be found here.
In this codelab, you'll build a web page that uses the Web Serial API to interact with a BBC micro:bit board to show images on its 5x5 LED matrix. You'll learn about the Web Serial API and how to use readable, writeable, and transform streams to communicate with serial devices through the browser.
The Web Serial API provides a way for websites to read from and write to a serial device with scripts. The API bridges the web and the physical world by allowing websites to communicate with serial devices, such as microcontrollers and 3D printers.
Next, we need to open the serial port. Like most other modern APIs, the Web Serial API is asynchronous. This prevents the UI from blocking when awaiting input, but it's also important because serial data may be received by the web page at any time, and we need a way to listen for it.
The requestPort call prompts the user for which device they want to connect to. Calling port.open opens the port. We also need to provide the speed at which we want to communicate with the serial device. The BBC micro:bit uses a 9600 baud connection between the USB-to-serial chip and the main processor.
Serial communication is typically bidirectional. In addition to receiving data from the serial port, we also want to send data to the port. As with the input stream, we'll only be sending text over the output stream to the micro:bit.
When connected via serial with the Espruino firmware, the BBC micro:bit board acts as JavaScript read-eval-print loop (REPL), similar to what you get in a Node.js shell. Next, we need to provide a method to send data to the stream. The code below gets a writer from the output stream and then uses write to send each line. Each line that is sent includes a new-line character (\n), to tell the micro:bit to evaluate the command sent.
When one of the micro:bit buttons is pushed, the micro:bit sends data to the serial port through a stream. Streams are very useful, but they can also be a challenge because you won't necessarily get all of the data at once, and it may be arbitrarily chunked up.
When the user clicks the Connect/Disconnect button, we need to close the connection. If the port is already open, call disconnect()and update the UI to indicate that the page is no longer connected to the serial device. 2ff7e9595c